Registration Packet




  1. 1)  This packet contains information for the 2016/2017 school year. Forms for Lunch Bunch, our summer program, and Early Morning Drop-Off will be available at a later date.

  2. 2)  Please make sure you fill out the form completely and check the correct slot beside the class you have selected for your child. Current students, siblings of current students, and church members are given priority before we open registration to the public on March 1st.

  3. 3)  The registration fee for all classes is $130. The cost is $65 for each additional sibling. The registration fee is the only payment you will send with your form at this time. ALL PRE-PAID FEES are NON-REFUNDABLE.

  4. 4)  You will pick up your packet of information on August 10th between 9 a.m. and noon. At this time you will also need to pay the tuition fee for SEPTEMBER along with the one- time supply fee for each child registered in our program. This will be set up in Glenn Hall.

  5. 5)  Please read your tuition card carefully each month and return it with the check in the manila envelope. If you pay in cash we ask that you please come into the preschool office. A receipt of payment will be given to you. We are unable to accept debit or credit card payments.

  6. 6)  We are planning to meet parents and children the week before school begins for our Open House. The schedule will be given to you in the spring by your child’s teachers. If you are new to our school we will mail the letter to you.

  7. 7)  We follow the school calendar of Lexington/Richland District Five with the exception of our opening date and ending date. There is no change to our school day on elementary early release days. All district in service days, holidays and inclement weather policies will be the same.

  8. 8)  Your child should be the correct age for entering a specific class by September 1. Few exceptions to this policy will be made if the birth date is close to the cut- off date and the director and teachers feel this is a good fit for your child. ALL children entering the 5 day 3 year old class need to be potty trained per DSS policies.

  9. 9)  We are licensed and registered by SC DSS and DHEC. You will be required to complete a medical statement per DSS and provide a recent immunization form (DHEC 1148) on the first day of school.

  10. 10)  The fees for tuition and supplies are listed on page 2. The monthly fees are due no later than the 10th of each month. Failure to comply with that date will result in a late fee of $25. Failure to comply with payment for two consecutive months will result in withdrawal from the preschool until fees are paid in full.

  11. 11)  Our operating schedule is as follows: Preschool children come to school from 9-12 noon. Drop- off begins at 8:45 a.m. and pick-up begins at 11:45 a.m. Kindergarten operates from 8:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. with drop-off at 8:30 a.m. and pick-up at 12:20 p.m.

12) Early Morning Drop Off for 2-5 year olds begins at 8:00 a.m. at a fee of $7 per day. You will be able to sign up for EMDO at the packet pick-up on August 10th or you will have the opportunity to do this during the meeting with your child’s teachers.

13) Lunch Bunch for 2-5 year olds is available every day from 12-2 p.m. at a fee of $10 per day. Registration will also be held for Lunch Bunch on August 10th, 2016.


Monthly Tuition

Supply Fee (1 time)

  1. 14)  Our Summer Program will operate for one full week in June, July and August. The dates will be sent to you in a packet in February.

  2. 15)  Please return the attached registration form with your $130 registration fee and additional fees for siblings being registered. Complete a form for each child being registered. This registration fee secures a spot for your child.

  3. 16)  We are unable to hold a spot for any child without payment. If you are visiting our school and wish to enroll after your visit, you will have three (3) business days to complete the paperwork and return it to us with your fees. After that time your child’s name will go on a waiting list.

  4. 17)  A waiting list is maintained throughout each school year. There is no fee to be placed on this list. If you are on the list and an available spot opens, you will be called in the order your child’s name was placed on the list. Again, you will have three business days to complete your registration and pay the fees. After that time, the next name on the list will be offered the spot.

  5. 18)  If you wish to enroll your 1 year old child in two separate classes, you may do so. Only one registration fee is required. However, you will be required to pay the tuition and supply fee for each class.

  6. 19)  Please direct all calls concerning the registration process to our director, Rhonda Marino, at 803-781-2539 or send an email to


Kindergarten $230 Five day 2, 3, and 4 year old classes $210 Three days per week/3 year olds $155 Two days per week/2 year olds $140 Two days per week/1 year olds $140 Three days per week/1 year olds $155




Please check the appropriate class below: ____1 year olds, M-W-F, 6 spots
____1 year olds, T/TH, 6 spots
____2 year olds, M-F, 12 spots

____2 year olds, T/TH, 12 spots

____3 year olds, M-W-F, 16 spots
____3 year olds, M-F, 18 spots
____4 year olds, M-F, 36 total spots (2 classes) ____5 year old kindergarten, 18 spots

Child’s First Name______________________ Last Name____________________________________

Name child wishes to be called__________________________________ Male______ Female______

Date of Birth________________________________________________________________________

Parents Names______________________________________________________________________


City_______________________________________ State____________ Zip Code______________

Home phone________________________ Cell phone______________________________________

Email address_______________________________________________________________________

Member of McGregor Presbyterian Church? YES or NO

Emergency contacts with phone #’s______________________________________________________

Pediatrician and phone #______________________________________________________________

Dentist and phone #__________________________________________________________________

Special interests_____________________________________________________________________


Health concerns/Allergies_____________________________________________________________

Any other information you would like to share with your teachers______________________________


I have read the policies of the McGregor Presbyterian Preschool/Kindergarten program in this packet and with my signature agree to accept them.

Parent Signature____________________________________ Date_______________________