Missions at McGregor

At McGregor, we recognize our call to be the hands and feet of Christ in a challenging world. Inspired by God's love and energized by God's spirit, we seek to address local and global needs through hands-on service, mission-focused education and prayer, and financial support of outreach programs.

McGregor Missions

All are welcome to participate in any of McGregor's mission opportunities, which focus on our church vision to nurture spiritual growth, build community partnerships, and practice God's justice. To find out how you can get involved, contact the church office.


  • Tuesday, June 18:  Migrant Ministry Dinner – Will deliver and share a meal with migrant workers at Watsonia Farms in Batesburg-Leesville.  
  • Wednesday, July 24, 2:00-7:00 PM:  Blood Drive – The Blood Connection - Give blood, save lives!

Month of September:  Family Promise of the Midlands - Co-hosting with Emmaus Church to support the Family Promise families during the month of September.  Ideas include providing meals and various fun fellowship outings and opportunities.  


    The Presbyterian Hunger Program of the Presbyterian Church (USA) works to alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes.  Hunger can be extremely complex phenomenon with economic, political, and social causes, but a local congregation can make an impact on local hunger.

    As Hunger Action Congregation within the Presbyterian Hunger Program, McGregor works to make an impact on local community.  Our McGregor Snack Packs Program delivers weekly snack packs to five local schools to ensure hungry school children have food for the weekend.  We volunteer monthly to help serve breakfast to the homeless at a sister church.  McGregor annually supports the Souper Bowl of Caring and contributes to local food banks, such as Harvest Hope, Sharing God's Love, and The Cooperative Ministry.

  • Snack Packs

    McGregor began its Snack Packs Program in 2011.  With the help of many volunteers we provide around 180 Snack Packs that are packed and delivered each week to 5 local schools of Lexington-Richland School District 5.  A Snack Pack contains 14 to 16 easy to eat non-perishable food items.  School social workers distribute these packs on Friday to students in need.  These students are able to return to school on Monday morning healthy and ready to learn.  To learn more, contact Debbie Grabbatin through the church office.

  • breakfast for the homeless

    On the fourth Sunday of each month, McGregor joins with members of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Columbia to serve breakfast to the poor and homeless. Volunteers meet at Trinity to serve an early-morning meal of eggs, sausage, potatoes, biscuits, coffee, and water.  They help clean up the kitchen and dining areas after the meal then return to McGregor in time for worship services. To learn more, contact coordinator David Jenkins through the church office.

  • Family promise of the midlands

    Family Promise of the Midlands is an affiliate of Family Promise, a national non-profit initiative that began in 1986.  The mission of Family Promise is to help families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence.  Faith-based congregations help guest families work toward that goal by providing temporary shelter, meals, and hospitality.  Helping guest families regain their housing, independence, and dignity transforms lives and reduces homelessness.

    McGregor contributes financially to Family Promise of the Midlands and partners with Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church to provide one week of hospitality and evening meals quarterly for the guest families.

  • refugee ministry

    In partnership with Lutheran Services of the Carolinas, McGregor has sponsored four refugee families as they establish their new homes in Columbia. We assist with housing, education, transportation, and cultural awareness until the family is established on their own. Refugee ministry enriches our understanding of other cultures and customs and continues to teach us what it means to be good neighbors to others. 

  • Green Group

    We are certified as an Earth Care Congregation through PC(USA), committed to caring for God's earth in worship, education, facilities, and outreach. Our Green Group oversees earth-friendly practices including roadside trash collection four Saturdays a year, our Learning Garden, community workshops, recycling and reuse of materials at church events, and environmentally focused worship programs.

  • Missionary connections

    Helping to spread Christ's message of love and peace around the globe, McGregor contributes to the support of missionaries serving in several different countries. Reverends Shelvis and Nancy Smith-Mather (pictured) serve with RECONCILE, a Christian organization in South Sudan that aims to bring peace and healing to communities broken and hurting from decades of war. Dan and Elizabeth Turk are working in Madagascar with the Malagasy people on issues of community health, gardening and environmental education.

  • sharing god's love

    McGregor benevolences help support this Irmo ministry, which assists local families with basic needs. Sharing God's Love operates in partnership with area churches to provide food, clothing, and financial assistance when families are facing emergencies.