Presbyterian sacraments

The two sacraments in the Presbyterian Church are baptism and communion. Communion is a part of our worship service on the first Sunday of each month, as well as on Easter, Christmas, and other special days in the life of our church.

Baptism is a part of our worship service throughout the year as we gather with those who desire to be baptized or to have their children baptized as believers in God.

  • Baptism

    Baptism is a sign and seal of God’s grace and covenant. Presbyterians baptize both infants and adults, as believers and their children are included in God’s covenant.

    Through the sacrament, we are reminded of Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River, and we recommit ourselves to living as his followers and raising our children in the Christian faith. The congregation commits to supporting those who are baptized through prayer and as examples of faithful living. 

  • Communion

    Communion is also known as the Lord’s Supper. This sacrament invites those who love Jesus Christ to gather at his table and share in a meal of bread and wine, remembering his last meal with his disciples before his death. Communion unites us with all Christians throughout the world who worship Jesus as Lord and Savior. Through this sacramental meal, we are given nourishment for our journey of faith as disciples of Christ.

    We celebrate communion the first Sunday of each month in our Sunday morning worship service.  Sometimes communion is served in trays that are passed in the pews. At other times, worshipers come forward and receive the bread and cup at the front of the sanctuary.